Flowering Plants

Flowering Plants Color is one of the great benefits of Desert Friendly. Below you’ll find many flowering perennials, that can brighten and perfume your garden, add flavor to your table, and attract hummingbirds and butterflies. What kind of flowering plants should i...


Shrubs Shrubs are a mainstay of Desert Friendly landscape gardens. Rooting deeply, they often require less water per square foot of the space they cover than other plants. They shade the soil, and some have colorful flowers, foliage and fruit. Native shrubs also...


Vines When you don’t have the time or space needed to grow shade trees but you can’t live comfortably outdoors in the blistering sun, building an arbor and planting a vine to provide a cool leafy canopy may be the solution. What kind of vines should i choose? Many...


Trees Well-adapted and well-placed trees can be an excellent landscape investment. One strategically placed tree can transform a scorching hot section of your yard into a cool oasis, or help reduce air-conditioning costs by shading your home from the sun. What Kind of...

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Contact Us 505 Outside is brought to you by The Water Conservation Program of the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority. Denise R. Rumley Water Conservation Supervisor 505-289-3156 drumley@abcwua.org Amos Oak Arber Xeriscape Incentive Inspector...