Planting Tips
Choose desert-friendly plants that thrive in our dry climate. There are literally hundreds of plant options to choose from, and rebates are available for replacing turf with a desert-friendly landscape.
The Life and Dry Times of 505 Trees
As I write this, a cold thin snow cover still hides the ground, but it won’t last long. If we’re lucky, the snow will slowly melt and seep into the soil; if we aren’t lucky, it will sublimate right into the atmosphere – straight from solid to gas. Alas, the roots of...
Plan Now for a Xeriscape Conversion
Winter is the best time to rethink your high water use turfgrass and create a plan for a xeriscape yard of desert-friendly plants. A desert friendly xeriscape will help you save water, reduce maintenance, encourage pollinators, and beat the heat of the summer. ...
The Albuquerque Urban Forest
In an arid city like Albuquerque, trees and the urban forest are even more important than in places with more moisture. Trees provide shade and habitat, and help cool the urban landscape. To sustain a healthy canopy trees require special care given the arid climate,...
What type of grass is that?
Karl Forester Grass plumes with pink Bush Muhly grass located behind it.
The Balancing Act of Watering Trees in the Fall and Winter
The balancing act of watering your trees in the fall and winter is important. Established trees should be watered two to three times a month in the fall season and once a month in the winter season. If not watered properly, trees that get too dry during this time can...
WA Customers list the “Top Reasons to Convert a Lawn to a Desert Friendly Xeriscape”
Water Authority customers have been inspired to convert their turf to sustainable, resilient xeriscapes that save water, time and money and provide habitat for wildlife and pollinators for many reasons. Below are some of our favorites: “We just didn’t see the...
Tips to Keep Mature Trees Healthy
Our urban forest (yes, the trees in your landscape are part of a forest) provides so many benefits too us – cooling, increased home values, beauty, and better mental health just to name a few. Here’s what you can do to help keep your members of our urban forest as...
Local educational resources are one click away
We scoured the internet, met with local experts, and pulled together a great educational resource list for you. When you’re ready to dig into all there is to know about landscaping in New Mexico, these resources are ready for you. Plants: Native Plant Society of New...
Have trouble identifying plants? We’ve got an app for that.
Have you ever wished you could just take a picture of a plant and have the internet identify it for you? Turns out, there are a lot of digital options to help with the identification of plants. We’ve reviewed the best resources so you don’t have to. PLANT APPS:...
Our Favorite Evergreens
When we think of the word evergreen, many of us think about pine trees, cedars and junipers. However, an evergreen is simply any plant that remains green all year long. These plants are welcome fixtures in our winter landscapes, too. 505Outside highlights these...
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