Planting Tips
Choose desert-friendly plants that thrive in our dry climate. There are literally hundreds of plant options to choose from, and rebates are available for replacing turf with a desert-friendly landscape.
Great Plants That Hide an Ugly View
Homeowners are constantly looking for that perfect plant for that exact spot. Unfortunately, there isn’t a simple answer. Landscape designers know there are so many factors that go into placing the right plant in the right place. Sun-loving plants should be planted in...
Junipers, why we love to hate them!
Pinyon-juniper woodlands are the largest forest cover type in NM, comprising 14.6 million acres and representing 65% of NM forests (according to USGS Gap Analysis Program–Land Cover Data). In contrast, the next largest forest cover types in NM are ponderosa pine at...
Fruit Trees for the Homeowner
Thinking of putting some trees in your landscape but also concerned about making good use of the water, space and time? Some people like to plant fruit trees around the home landscape. The obvious reason to grow fruit trees is the fruit! Just like there is no tomato...
Be inspired by this year’s Desert Friendly Landscape Winners!
Congratulations to the ten winners of our first annual Water Authority Desert Friendly Landscape Contest! Thank you for sharing your beautiful gardens with us. They are an inspiration for others to make the switch to desert-friendly landscapes. The transformation of a...
5 Steps to Stunning Fall Container Gardens
Containers are an easy way to add a splash of color to your garden, porch, balcony or patio, without ever having to dig a hole in our hard New Mexico soil. While you could drop pansies or geraniums in a pot and consider it complete, you could also plant a truly...
Be inspired by this year’s Desert Friendly Landscape Winners!
Congratulations to the ten winners of our first annual Water Authority Desert Friendly Landscape Contest! Thank you for sharing your beautiful gardens with us. They will be an inspiration for others to make the switch to desert-friendly landscapes. A Garden for the...
Luxury Consumers in Your Yard
In these long, hot days of summer, especially if the summer rains don’t come, many plants really suffer from a lack of water. By incorporating native and very adapted plants into the landscape, we can still have attractive landscapes that don’t require a lot of...
How to Propagate Cacti
Propagating cacti is as easy as one, two, three. Remove a pad from an existing cactus. Heavy gloves are your friends. For Cholla, use tongs to grab a stalk. 2. Set cuttings out to dry until the fresh ends of the cut callus over, which is usually in a week or two. 3....
Sundrops, Calylophus species
Type: Flowering plant Exposure: Full sun Water Use: Low Mature Size: 18” x 18” This spectacular native wildflower is everblooming with a profusion of large, bright yellow, four-petaled flowers. Its narrow gray-green foliage gives the plant a lacy look in the garden....
Easy Edible Plants for First-Time Growers
One hundred years ago, almost every house with a yard had a vegetable garden. This was before the era of mass-produced, well-traveled foods readily available in the big grocery stores. People grew these gardens out of necessity. The whole family joined in, breathing...
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