Local Plant Nurseries to Check Out

Local Plant Nurseries to Check Out

A popular question we get at 505Outside is “Where should I go to get plants for my yard?” We’re highlighting our local nurseries and the uniqueness of each of them. Every yard has its own unique environment that includes things like sun and wind exposure, soils,...
Plants for 2025

Plants for 2025

It might be too early to start planting your 2025 garden but it’s never to early to start planning your yard. We’ve grabbed some of our favorite plants for you to test out in 2025. Take a look below. Lacebark elm, Ulmus parvifolia: This fast-growing shade tree should...
Lucious Landscape Design Template

Lucious Landscape Design Template

A lot goes into designing a landscape, hence there’s an entire profession called landscape architecture devoted to designing outdoor spaces. A few generous local landscape architects donated their time and put together some Landscape Design templates of a typical...