Catmint, Nepeta x faaseni

Catmint, Nepeta x faaseni

Type: Shrub, Flowering Plant Exposure: Sun/Shade Water Use: Low Mature Size: 8” H x 2’ W, varies depending on species Catmint has become a cornerstone of many xeriscapes because of its hardiness and long bloom period. The first flush of blue flowers comes in late...
Kaleidoscape: Vivid Blooms Create a Rainbow of Color

Kaleidoscape: Vivid Blooms Create a Rainbow of Color

Color has a more dramatic impact in a garden if plants with strong flower colors are juxtaposed against one another. In this Kaleidoscape design by Judith Phillips, the blue-purple blooms of dwarf butterfly bush, desert sage, catmint, lavender and vitex are contrasted...
Bosque Restoration Would Benefit Endangered Fish

Bosque Restoration Would Benefit Endangered Fish

Water flowing from the Southside Water Reclamation Plant is so clear that a person can see rocks at the bottom of the riverbed, and the Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority is trying to make that outflow a better habitat for fish and more accessible...